South Korea May Reassess Aid to Ukraine If Russia Arms North Korea, Says National Security Adviser

SEOUL — National security adviser Chang Ho-jin warned on Sunday that South Korea's stance on providing military aid to Ukraine could shift dramatically if Russia supplies precision weapons to North Korea.

According to Yonhap News Agency, during his appearance on KBS TV, the potential Russian provision of advanced weaponry to North Korea could prompt Seoul to reconsider its current policy of withholding lethal weapons from Ukraine. "I would like to emphasize that it all depends on what Russia will do," Chang stated, highlighting the conditions under which South Korea might alter its approach. He further questioned the viability of existing diplomatic lines if Russia were to escalate its military cooperation with North Korea.

This statement comes in the wake of a strategic partnership treaty signed between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which includes commitments to mutual defense and military technology cooperation. Following this treaty, Putin has publicly cautioned that any South Korean arms provision to Ukraine would be a "very big mistake."

Chang also called on Russia to contribute to better bilateral relations, suggesting that both nations have roles to play in stabilizing and advancing their diplomatic engagements. "If they want to restore and move Korea-Russia relations forward, I would like to reiterate that the Russian side should think carefully," he advised.

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