Seoul Lawmaker Bae Hyun-jin Recovers After Attack, Pledges to Enhance Public Safety

SEOUL - Representative Bae Hyun-jin of the ruling People Power Party (PPP) was discharged from a Seoul hospital on Saturday, following an assault incident where she was attacked by a teenager wielding a brick. The lawmaker was hospitalized after being struck in the head multiple times in what she described as a shocking and unforeseeable event.

According to Yonhap News Agency, the incident served as a stark reminder of the vulnerability people face to sudden acts of violence. She expressed gratitude towards the public for their concern and committed to redoubling her efforts to ensure the safety of her constituents in Songpa district and the broader community. Bae emphasized the importance of resilience and the pursuit of safety measures in response to such incidents.

The attack occurred in the Gangnam district of Seoul, where a 15-year-old boy assaulted Bae, hitting her over the head more than 15 times with a brick. Despite the severity of the attack, Bae's injuries were deemed non-life-threatening, and she received prompt medical treatment.

The assailant was apprehended at the scene and is currently under investigation by the police, with his legal representation stating that he has been battling depression. In the aftermath, Bae has taken a firm stance against offering leniency to her attacker, insisting on a thorough investigation and the application of appropriate legal consequences based on the findings.

Bae's commitment to public safety and her resolve to overcome the trauma of the attack underscore a determined approach to addressing violence and ensuring the well-being of her community.