Chief prosecutor orders forming special probe team on murder of woman in Gangnam

Prosecutor General Lee One-seok on Thursday ordered the formation of a special investigation team to get to the bottom of the high-profile abduction and murder of a woman in southern Seoul.

Police have been investigating the murder of a 48-year-old woman in Gangnam Ward on March 29. She was kidnapped in front of an apartment building in Gangnam and killed, and her body was buried on a hill in Daejeon, about 140 kilometers south of the capital.

The prosecution usually gets involved in cases after the police refer suspects for indictment. Lee's decision to launch an investigation team at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office ahead of such a referral shows how seriously the law enforcement authorities view the case.

Police have so far detained four suspects, including a man surnamed Yoo, who is deemed the mastermind.

Police suspect the motive behind the crime was to steal the victim's cryptocurrency assets.

On Thursday, the prosecution chief instructed his organization to "cooperate closely with the police to get to the bottom of the case and help relieve the public's anxiety."

Source: Yonhap News Agency